
Jobulani Trading t/a cell-RE-cycle was initially formed as a sole proprietorship, but was reconfigured as a Close Corporation in May of 2008.  We are situated in Goodwood, Cape Town. Jobulani Trading is owned and managed by Bevan du Plessis.

cell-RE-cycle will act to protect the environment by efficiently recycling all the electronic waste generated by the disposal of cellular phones, laptop and desktop computers. In the South African market millions of Cellular phones, Laptops and Computers are replaced and upgraded annually, accounting for tons of solid waste. cell-RE-cycle will work diligently to keep these discarded cellular phones, laptops and computers out of landfills.

A substantial amount of BER (beyond economical repair) and less serious damaged Cellular phones, Laptops and Computers can be reused and reintroduced back into the market after repairing and formatting it or refurbishing it (where possible).

Those that cannot be reused we will recycle them in accordance to our recycling licence with eWASA (e-Waste Association of South Africa). We will dismantle it for parts which can be reused such as metals including copper, silver and gold and plastics etc.

When refurbishing cellular phones, laptops and computers the demand for affordable cellular phones, laptops and computers can be fulfilled, while preserving the environment, conserving materials, minimizing pollution and eliminating waste.

cell-RE-cycle endeavours to meet all our client`s recycling needs. Our promise is to render great service to our clients.